Monday, October 4, 2010

☻Technologies that empowers me! ♥

~On this Day, there were more and more technologies that have been made. The first known technology is in big size; But now technologies are being changed whereas it became smaller and slimmer.

A gadget is a small technological object (such as a device or an appliance) that has a particular function , but is often thought of as a novelty. Gadgets are invariably[citation needed] considered to be more unusually or cleverly designed than normal technological objects at the time of their invention. Gadgets are sometimes also referred to as gizmos.

The technologies that empowers me are the cellular phones and the computer. These things are one of the most important that one must have because it updates, entertains and being in touch or in sort socializes one.

CENTENIAL CELEBRATION of Saint Louis University

Saint Louis University is regarded as one of the Philippines' respected and leading educational institutions that has grown with the demands of the current and future environments for its students and faculty alike.

Around two hundred fifty kilometers north of Manila lies Baguio City, known to be the "Summer Capital of the Philippines" that enjoys temperate climate all year round. From a village resort established by the Americans, Baguio has become the Northern Philippines' center of business and commerce as well as the center of education. Saint Louis University has played a pivotal role in the evolution of the City into a center for learning in the North.

Saint Louis University is now celebrating its 100 years of excellent missionary education come 2011.♥

In this University, you will experience lots of activies, celebations and most propably you will experience an excellent learning in this school. You will never regret if you enrolled ☺.

Throughout the duration of the Centennial Year numerous activities are planned including cultural presentations, lecture series, alumni homecomings, extension programs and sports activities.
Souvenirs are also in the works. Among them are the SLU@100 Coffeetable Book, Souvenir Programs, 15 Month Centennial Calendar, 100 Prayers with Fr. Jess and souvenir items like mugs, shirts, jackets, caps, umbrellas and pens.

Here's come activities that you can join with us - Louisian ☺
  • Centennial Handog ng SLU sa Baguio – December 4 & 5, 2010
    • Theme: Pagpupugay sa mga Guro
    • Focus group: Public School Teachers
    • Medical and other Outreach activities, Concerts, Exhibits
    • SLU Centennial Exhibit
    • Venue: Melvin Jones Football Grounds, Burnham Park
    • December 4, 2010 (Saturday)
      • 8:00 am - Opening program
      • Presentations: SLU LES & SLU LHS
      • 6:00 pm - Lantern Parade
      • 7:30 pm - 100 Voices Concert
    • December 5, 2010
      • 9:00 am - Aerobics Fusion
      • 2:00 pm - SLU Band Concert
      • 3:00 pm - Variety Show
      • 5:00 pm - Closing Ceremonies
  • Centennial Lantern Parade – December 4, 2010 (Saturday) @ 6:00 pm from Session Road to Burnham Park
  • SLU Family Day and Christmas Salo Salo – December 6, 2010 (Monday) @ Maryheights Campus, Bakakeng
  • SLU Centennial Grand Alumni Homecoming – January 22 – 23, 2011 @ SLU, Baguio City

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Past, Present, Future

  ♦~What I want in the future~♣

 to own this car someday!

 to have just like this figure of house!!

Likes to become a Flight-Attendant ^_^

                                  To become a professional Dentist someday :)

at my grandma's sala, enjoying the companionship of my cousins ^_^

I'm one of the flower girls at my aunt's wedding ^___^

☺Me, standing after eating     []  in Our kitchen at Philex Mines < :

Having good time with my cousins and grandma in Sumulong

Striking a pose because I got home early :)

posing before sunset in one of the beautiful beaches in La Union

Thursday, September 23, 2010

10 Ways

~President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III
One of his platforms is that there will be having a VOCATIONAL EDUCATION to those who are in the public schools.
President Aquino, says that it is more easier to finish to those who students who are studying at public schools. He said that there will be more understanding most of the students in the public schools most especially in their religions.

This states that for the coming year 2011, their will be a establishing a Vocation for education for those students who will enrolled in year 2011; As President Benigno Simeon Cojuangco Aquino III platformed Technical Vocational Education as alternative to high school senior;but this was not yet approved.

Technical, vocational education must be reintroduced into public high schools with accompanying trade tests and skills so as to provide high school graduates the quickest path to work upon graduation.

There must be a vocational education for the public schools so that their will be a faster and better learning and understanding for the public school students; Most especially those that are not so good listener or those who are student who are slow to pick-up things or in easy way, not good in understanding things that can be said to others.

The religions of the different students is the top reason that our president tried to platform on this one. We have different kinds of traditions, cultures, beliefs, and most especially our religions.If we have to make-up our minds, this should be done , vocational education for all, because and so that we can finish our studies faster, and also, so that their will be no arguments between our tradition and the beliefs if we are in the same school; If students of public schools have different religions isn't that its hard because of our beliefs and also our religions..... ?

10 Ways to fix basic education:

1. 12-Year Basic Education Cycle
2. Universal pre-schooling for all
3. Madaris Education as a sub-system within the Education system.
4. Bring back technical vocational education to high school.
5. “Every Child a Reader” by Grade 1
6. Science and Math proficiency
7. Assistance to private schools as partners in basic education
8. Medium of Instruction rationalized
9. Quality textbooks
10. Covenant with Local Governments to build more schools

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

AB0UT ME ^_^

Who wants a true friend;)
Who loves to make a good relationship to other people =)
Who gives a billion of smiles to you ;D

I live at the beautiful ISLAND of PHILIPPINES. ~_~

From right now I'm here at Baguio City; This place is so terrific! Baguio is called to be the SUMMER CAPITAL OF THE PHILIPPINES! ♥

First, I would like to tell you ... that I'm now in the third year level of high school at Saint Louis University - Laboratory High School (SLU - LHS).

So happy to be a LOUISIAN!!!

I am someone to fall back on. I'm a person who wants to hear your problems, And let's just Laugh It... XD

I also love KATY PERRY's songs ♥

~Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas - Official Video (with lyrics)~

& also I'm a BIG Fan of DAvid Archuleta!!!!

Something Bout Love MUSIC VIDEO (official HQ) - David Archuleta